I've been working on cataloging/alphabetizing ALL of the interviews that we've done since our podcast's inception in April 2005. Boy, do we have a lot! I've split them up into various categories. Some people from TV/Film cross over into comics but I put them in for what they are most known for. And I tried to put a little something they are known for in parentheses. Of course, most are known for much more, but I just put down what they may have been working on at the time. Especially in the TV/Film category as many of those interviews were big round table interviews/press conferences covering that specific show or film. You get the idea!
I will continue to add to this as interviews arise and perhaps add more links to their own websites. For all of our interviews, you can visit our ARCHIVES.
Name of interviewee on left (in alphabetical order as per LAST NAME) with episode number on the right.
Comic Books/Books
- Nick Abadzis (The Cigar That Fell In Love With A Pipe) - 532, 726
- Krent Able (I Feel Machine) - 905
- Dani Abram (Worry Wart, Razarhawk) - 402
- Charlie Adlard (The Walking Dead) - 187, 189, 996
- Nicholas Aflleje (Little Girls) - 893
- Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa (Archie Comics CCO) - 574, 625
- Eddie Ahn (Advocate: A Graphic Memoir of Family, Community, and the Fight for Environmental Judgement) - 1524
- JP Ahonen (Bezelbubs) - 1532
- Tom Akel (Head of Content - Line WebToon/Rocketship Entertainment Founder) - 860, 968, 1238, 1422
- Julia Alekseyeva (Soviet Daughter: A Graphic Revolution) - 757
- Kevin Alvir (Lisa Cheese and Ghost Guitar) - 1492
- Phil Amylon (Lucas) - 398
- Ho Che Anderson (Godhead, King) - 853, 1328, 1504
- Kit Anderson (Safer Places) - 1469
- Matt Anderson (White Picket Fences) - 121
- Rob Anderson (Animal Control: SCU) - 335
- Meriden Angeles (Kwento Comics) - 1450
- Angelina aka ALB (albinwonderland) - 616
- Charles Ardai (Hard Case Crime publisher) - 897
- Kate Ashwin (Widdershins) - 765
- James Asmus (Runaways, X-Men) - 363
- Michele Assarasakorn aka msassyk (Isola) - 987
- Jeremy Atkins (Dark Horse Comics PR) - 334
- Wai Au (FujoSports!) - 540
- Andrew Aydin (March) - 485
- Yomi Ayeni (Clockwork Watch: The Arrival) - 402, 562, 1307
- Gabriel Ba (How to Talk to Girls at Parties, Casanova) - 695
- Paul Bacera (Isdaman: The Little Filipino Hero) - 1154
- Paolo Bacilieri (Fun) - 766
- Penelope Bagieu (Exquisite Corpse, California Dreamin', Brazen: Rebel Ladies Who Rocked the World) - 465, 756, 771, 845, 1091
- Abs Bailey (Zebedee and the Valentines) - 1567
- Chris Baker (Apollo) - 904
- Kyle Baker (Plastic Man, The Bakers) - 17, 94
- Kristyna Baczynski (Retrograde Orbit) - 888
- Maria Bamford (Hogbook and Lazer Eyes) - 1519
- David Baron (DC Colorist) - 99
- Jonathan Marks Barravecchia (Bear Pirate Viking Queen) - 1499
- Jeremy Bastian (Cursed Pirate Girl) - 266, 398, 465
- Jonathan Baylis (So Buttons) - 303, 325, 610, 800
- Kate Beaton (Hark, A Vagrant) - 197, 267, 300
- Alison Bechdel (Fun Home) - 91
- Harmony Becker (They Called Us Enemy) - 958
- Gemma Bedea (Afroella) - 404
- Andy Belanger (Kill Shakespeare) - 330, 398, 606, 1505
- Ryan Benjamin (Stan Lee's Genesis, Batman) - 1422
- Marc Bernardin (Alphas, Highwaymen) - 363, 1364, 1421
- Dan Berry (Make It Then Tell Everybody) - 611
- Will Bingley (Gonzo: A Graphic Biography of Hunter S. Thompson) - 405
- Tim Bird (Grey Area, The Great North Wood) - 1365, 1570
- Ryan Black (Tension) - 477
- Ryan Bodenheim (Red Mass For Mars) - 148, 412
- Ami Bogan (The Glass Urchin) - 303
- Sweeney Boo (Eat, and Love Yourself/Captain Marvel/Over My Dead Body) - 1296, 1335, 1447
- Sam Bosma (Fantasy Sports) - 681
- Dan Boultwood (Hope Falls) - 260
- Uni Bowen (Kastor: From the Bronx to the Underworld) - 1499
- Conor Boyle (Unseen Shadows: Blood Cries Out) - 1005, 1358, 1467
- Conor/Lizzie Boyle (Disconnected Press) - 723
- Frankie Boyle (Work! Consume! Die!, Mock the Week) - 407
- Joyce Brabner - 349
- Michael Bracco (The Creators)- 803
- Brannon Braga (Cosmos Producer) - 901
- Sarah Braly (Hi-Fructose Zombies) - 440
- Jennie Breeden (The Devil's Panties) - 94
- Broadcast Thought (Doctors H. Eric Bender, Praveen R. Kambam, Vasilis K. Pozios) - 284, 288, 400 (Dr. Pozios), 623
- Corey Brotherson (Clockwork Watch: The Arrival) - 402, 562, 1307
- Vera Brosgol (Anya's Ghost/Be Prepared) - 848, 1503
- Box Brown (Andre the Giant/Tetris: Games People Play) - 539, 540, 725
- Kate Brown (Fish & Chocolate, Faith Says You) - 405, 886
- Jeffrey Brown (Darth Vader and Son, Incredible Changebots) - 412, 702, 843, 964, 1303, 1550
- Ed Brubaker (Criminal, Angel of Death) - 54, 213
- Christine Brunson (Undead Norm) - 413
- Thi Bui (The Best We Could Do) - 767
- Jeffrey Burandt (Americans UK) - 303
- Chris Butcher (Toronto Comic Arts Festival Director) - 102, 196
- Joel Buxton (Awesome Marcus Ninja) - 146
- Buzz (JSA, Vampirella) - 697
- Adam Cadwell (Blood Blokes) - 329, 402, 472
- Ben Caldwell (Wonder Woman, Prez) - 618
- Eddie Campbell (Bizzare Romance/From Hell) - 847, 1425
- Eric Canete (Aeon Flux, Iron Man) - 549
- Tyrell Cannon - 843
- Andrew Carl (Once Upon A Time Machine) - 440
- Caitlin Cass (Suffrage Song) - 1507
- John Cassaday (Planetary, Astonishing X-Men) - 18, 24, 48, 50, 100, 200, 1539, 1540
- Scott Marvel Cassidy (Hogbook and Lazer Eyes) - 1519
- Catherine Castro (Call Me Nathan) - 1294
- Mike Cavallaro (Nico Bravo and the Hound of Hades) - 988
- Keu Cha (Hex: The Lost Tribe, Witchblade) - 412
- Kody Chamberlain (Sweets) - 275
- Ruth Chan (Uprooted) - 1548
- Nidhi Chanani (Pashmina, Super Boba Cafe) - 1414
- Fred Chao (Johnny Hiro) - 103, 303
- Katriona Chapman (Follow Me In, Breakwater) - 888, 1001, 1115, 1332
- Jazz Szu-Ying Chen - 1470
- Cliff Chiang (Wonder Woman) - 439, 549
- Michael Cho (Shoplifter) - 545, 549
- Nami Choi (KoCCA translator) - 1342
- Ray Chou (Skies of Fire) - 806
- Mylo Choy (Middle Distance: A Graphic Memoir) - 1443, 1510
- Amy Chu (Girls Night Out) - 545
- Paul Ciaravino (Americans UK) - 303
- Chad Cicconi (Action Lab Entertainment) - 413
- Chloe Citrine (Rainbow Carousel) - 265
- Jason Clark (Cosmos Producer) - 901
- Dave Clifford (7 Shades) - 891
- Becky Cloonan (Demo, Wolves) - 338, 398, 400, 402, 419, 473, 481, 537, 614, 1402, 1414, 1458, 1525
- Kevin Colden (Fishtown) - 198, 200, 266, 692
- Michael Collins (Apollo) - 904
- Jordan Collver (Ladies & Gentlemen) - 403
- Common (Caster) - 897
- Bridgit Connell (Killer Queen, Brother Nash) - 548, 616, 695, 696, 779, 860, 861, 1407
- Amanda Conner (The Pro, Power Girl) - 479, 480
- Nikki Cook (Memoir, DMZ) - 192, 299
- Darwyn Cooke (Parker, The Spirit) - 15, 337, 338, 536
- Paul Cornell (Captain Britain, Doctor Who, Three Little Wishes, Wild Cards) - 140, 726, 883, 1303, 1347, 1418
- Danielle Corsetto (Girls With Slingshots) -94, 147, 174, 1325
- Nate Cosby (PIGS) - 324, 412
- Molly Crabapple (Dr. Sketchy's, Scarlett Takes Manhattan) - 137, 183, 300
- Ellen Crenshaw (Kiss Number 8) - 937
- ChrisCross - 400, 500
- I.N.J. Culbard (The Case of Charles Dexter Ward) - 405
- Darryl Cunningham (Age of Selfishness, How to Fake a Moon Landing, Psychiatric Tales) - 648
- Toby Cypress (Rodd Racer) - 620
- Pearls Daily (Minky Woodcock: The Girl Who Handcufffed Houdini) - 897
- Motzie Dapul (Aswang at Berdugo, The Pinoy Monster Anthologies) - 1293
- Rob Davis (The Complete Don Quixote, The Motherless Oven, The Can Opener's Daughter, The Book of Forks) - 467, 999
- Mike Dawson (Freddie & Me) -144, 197
- Willow Dawson (No Girls Allowed, Avis Dolphin, White As Milk, Red As Blood) - 330, 610, 847
- Robert Deas (Manga Shakespeare MacBeth) - 140.5
- Kelly Sue DeConnick (Osborn, Sif, Supergirl) - 339, 413, 481, 502, 775, 944
- Jason Deeble (Monster Haiku) - 397
- Sarah DeLaine (Little Girls) - 893
- Anthony Del Col (Kill Shakespeare) - 330, 600, 893, 1087, 1241, 1341
- Vito Delsante (Superman, Babe Ruth) - 200, 502
- JM DeMatteis (JLA, JLI) - 63, 167, 439
- Grace Desmarais (Song For Medusa) - 1334
- Glyn Dillon (The Nao of Brown) - 473, 999. 1348
- Ming Doyle (The Loneliest Astronauts, Marvel Girl Comics, Mara, Constantine) - 266, 317, 328, 398, 488, 549, 614, 618
- JM Dragunas (The Sires of Time) - 617
- Shelton Drum (Heroes Con Founders) - 145
- Ann Druyen (Cosmos Producer) - 901
- Neil Dvorak (Easy Pieces) - 440
- Glyn Dillon (The Nao of Brown, Star Wars conceptual artist/costume designer) - 473, 999
- Monique Dixon (Kastor: From the Bronx to the Underworld) - 1499
- Paul Duffield (The Firelight Isle) - 886
- Sara Dunkerton (Mulp) - 888
- Kayla E. (Precious Rubbish) - 1408
- Tommy Lee Edwards (Turf, 1985) - 267
- Justin Eisinger (They Called Us Enemy) - 958
- Chris Eliopoulos (Franklin Richards) - 27, 894
- Marc Ellerby (Ellerbisms, Chloe Noonan) - 198, 263, 402, 472, 888, 1004
- Lawrence Engerman (HipHop & Friends) - 542
- Garth Ennis (Preacher, Hellblazer, Hitman, The Boys) - 96, 97, 231, 691
- Gary Erskine (Rollergrrrls, Knights of Pendragon) - 404
- Joey Esposito (The Pedestrian) - 1532
- Mink Ette (Oubliette Escape Room and Adventure Shop) - 887
- Al Ewing (Zombo) - 403
- Bo Fader (DeathCurseei - 412
- Leila Fajardo (There's a Party in My Body (And You're All Invited), Zayana Zam) - 1560
- Kaitlyn Fajilan (The Mask of Haliya) - 1415, 1500
- Elainee Rui Yi Fang (Bo.ing Comix) - 1279
- Lance Fensterman (ReedPop President/Global Head) - 175, 983
- Angela Fernot (Tales of Cape Fear) - 1409
- Vince Ferriero (Skies of Fire) - 806
- David Fickling (DFC) - 263
- Michel Fiffe (Copra, All-New Ultimates) - 609
- Jess Fink (We Can Fix It!, Chester 5000) - 472
- Josh Finney (Utopiates, Titanium Rain) - 79, 275
- Tim Fish (Liebestrasse) - 998
- Matt Fitch (Apollo) - 904
- Anna Fitzpatrick (Between Worlds) - 265
- Brenden Fletcher (Batgirl, Gotham Academy) - 698, 770, 777, 850, 987
- Melanie Florencio (Undead Norm) - 413
- Ian Flynn (The New Crusaders, Sonic the Hedgehog) - 413
- Debbie Fong (Next Stop) - 1507
- Shea Fontana (DC Women of Action, DC Superhero Girls) - 989
- Minerva Fox (The Mask of Haliya) - 1415
- Matt Fraction (Casanova, Iron Fist, Thor) - 66, 94
- Francesco Francavilla (Black Coat, Zorro) - 95, 146, 266, 415, 477, 547, 563, 616, 695, 862
- Curt Franklin (Let's Be Friends Again) - 335
- Simon Fraser (Nikolai Dante) - 500, 531, 726
- Kevin Freeman (SubCulture) - 95
- Jenny Frison (Revival, Angel) - 480
- Genevieve FT (Cutie CORPS) - 697
- Heather Fujikawa (Fairy Birds) - 542
- Beth Fuller (Witching Hour) - 1567
- Neil Gaiman (American Gods) - 760
- Leigh Gallagher (Defoe) - 260, 891
- Monica Gallagher (Gods & Undergrads, Glitter Kiss, Assassin Roomate, Bonnie N. Collide, The Black Ghost) - 144, 254, 299, 472, 473, 603, 696, 857, 861, 998, 1297, 1325, 1440
- Savanna Ganucheau (Bloom) - 935
- Agnes Garbowska (You, Me & Zombie) - 472
- Simon Gardenfors (120 Days of Simon) - 254
- Sam Gardner (Sioux Warrior) - 403
- Michael Geszel (Tribes: The Dog Years) - 280
- Kasra Ghanbari (Monocyte) - 367
- Chris Giarusso (G-Man, Mini Marvels) - 9, 219
- Matt Gibbs (Mulp: Sceptre of the Sun) - 1004
- Dave Gibbons (Watchmen) - 275, 883
- Neil Gibson (Twisted Dark) - 404
- Kieron Gillen (The Wicked & The Divine, Phonogram, Young Avengers, Darth Vader, Die, Once & Future, The Power Fantasy) - 648, 887, 964, 996, 1349, 1459, 1561
- Alicia Giuffrida (Lucas) - 398
- Stephanie Gladden (Girls of Monster Paradise) - 546, 548
- Joe Glass (The Pride) - 402
- Sarah Glidden (How to Understand Israel in 30 Days or Less) - 312
- Dan Goldman (Shooting War, Red Light Properties) - 456
- Sophie Goldstein (House of Women) - 849
- Robert Goodin (The Kurdles) - 611
- Sarah Gordon (Vicious Creatures) - 1454
- Nicole Goux (Pet Peeves, Shadow of the Batgirl) - 1437
- Sina Grace (Burn the Orphanage) - 541, 785, 884, 968
- Zane Grant (We Will Bury You) - 216, 299
- Chloe Green (Thought Bubble Festival Festival Director) - 1469
- John Patrick Green (Kitten Construction Company) - 894
- Vera Greentea (Recipes For the Dead, Grimoire Noir) - 574, 600, 700, 942, 988, 1240
- Megan Grey (The Croaking) - 1357
- Bill Griffith (Nobody's Fool: The Life and Times of Schlitzie the Pinhead) - 941
- Pia Guerra (Y: The Last Man, Me the People) - 866
- Rob Guillory (Chew) - 275
- Nicholas Gurewitch (Perry Bible Fellowship, Big Play Films) - 536
- Jennie Gyllblad (Clockwork Watch: The Arrival) - 402, 891
- Robin Ha (Cook Korean!, Almost American Girl, The Fox Maidens) - 840, 1178, 1329, 1528
- Shannon Hale (Real Friends) - 768
- Chris Haley (Let's Be Friends Again) - 335
- Leanne Hannah (Blue Milk Special) - 205
- Julian Hanshaw (I Feel Machine) - 905
- Rumi Hara (Nori, The Peanutbutter Sisters and Other American Stories) - 1327
- Dustin Harbin (Former Heroes Con Director, DHARBIN!)- 105.5, 203, 329, 617
- Abigail Jill Harding (Ask For Mercy) - 891, 1468
- M.S. Harkness (Time Under Tension) - 1441
- Charise Mericle Harper (Crafty Cat and the Great Butterfly Battle) - 852
- Alisa Harris (Cooking Up Comics) - 840
- Dean Haspiel (The Quitter) - 13, 531, 602, 803, 1418
- Jeremy Haun (Detective Comics, Batwoman) - 618
- Stacey Hayashi (Journey of Heroes) - 485
- Emma Hayley (Self Made Hero Director) - 140.5, 400, 404, 405
- Luke Healy (Permanent Press, Dogs on Dates) - 1467
- Erica Henderson (Jughead) - 651, 696
- Maya Henderson (Brainbow) - 1498
- Shane Heron (Awesome Marcus Ninja) - 146, 204
- Beth Hetland (Tender) - 1490
- Jonathan Hickman (The Nightly News, Fantastic Four)- 67, 94, 133, 148, 180, 267, 314, 335, 412
- Faith Erin Hicks (Zombies Calling) - 117, 198, 329, 474
- John Higgins (Watchmen) - 261
- Sam Hiti (Death-Day) - 331
- Zach Hoag (Tuttle Publishing) - 1554
- Robin Hoelzemann (Curia Regis, The Witching Hour, After Hours) - 1005
- Maria Hoey (In Perpetuity/Coin-Op Books) - 1488
- Ian Holt (Dracula the Un-Dead) - 178
- Jeremy Holt (Made in Korea/Virtually Yours/Gatsby) - 1202, 1335, 1398, 1498
- Nabil Homsi (Travelling Man comic store owner/Thought Bubble Festival Asst. Director) - 985
- Anthony Hope-Smith (Gonzo: A Graphic Biography of Hunter S. Thompson) - 405
- Dennis Hopeless (GearHead) - 94
- Doogie Horner (A Die Hard Christmas: The Illustrated Holiday Classic) - 806
- Rantz Hoseley (Longbox) - 267
- Jason Howard (Astounding Wolfman) - 99
- Tini Howard (Assassinistas, Hack/Slash, Rick & Morty) - 858, 861
- Laura Howell (Fat Chunk Vol 2: Zombies) - 204
- Hugh Howie (Silo) - 1452
- Tom Humberstone (Suzanne: The Jazz Age Goddess of Tennis) - 1365
- Adam Hughes - 416
- Jamal Igle (Molly Danger, Supergirl, Firestorm, The Ray, The Wrong Earth, Black) - 900, 1048, 1240
- Clio Isadora (Sour Pickles) - 1466
- Enrica Jang (Azteca) - 335, 544
- JAKe (Hellraisers, How to Speak Droid with R2D2) - 405, 1363
- James Jean (Fables) - 105.5
- John Jennings (Kindred/Kid Code) - 767
- Eunsoo Jeong (Koreangry) - 939, 1193 , 1278, 1400
- Van Jensen (Pinocchio, Vampire Slayer) - 336
- Violet Jin (Perfect Blue) - 1386
- Daniel Warren Johnson (Extremity) - 806
- Antony Johnston (Wasteland) - 51
- RJ Jojola (On the Verge) - 617
- Anna-Liisa Jones (NorthStars) - 697
- Aimee de Jongh (The Return of the Honey Buzzard, Blossoms In Autumn, Taxi: Stories From the Backseat) - 766, 940, 1295, 1326
- Arielle Jovellanos (Girl Taking Over: A Lois Lane Story, Evil Thing, Black Star) - 1337, 1451, 1460
- Paul Kaminski (Archie Comics Executive Director of Editorial) - 547
- Kata Kane (Altar Girl, Ghost Friends Forever) - 617, 696, 775, 779, 803, 1332
- Ned Kane (Patrons and Passerbys of the Ivy Crown Tavern ) - 1334
- Liana Kangas (2000AD Sci-Fi Special) - 883, 900, 1307
- Val Kapadai (White Knuckle, Snow) - 403
- Jason Katzenstein (Camp Midnight) - 892
- Rafael Kayanan (Conan, NCIS: LA) - 500, 700
- Lizzie Kaye (Unbound) - 891
- Joe Keatinge (Former Image Comics PR) - 94
- Ruth Keattch (Jarred) - 263
- Patt Kelley (Fat Chunk Vol 2: Zombies) - 204, 397
- Joe Kelly (I Kill Giants) - 843
- Alan Kerr (Fat Chunk Vol 2: Zombies) - 204
- Karl Kerschl (Isola/Gotham Academy) - 770, 850, 987
- Shing Yin Khor (The Legend of Auntie Po) - 1433
- Kazu Kibuishi (Amulet) - 536
- Chip Kidd (Watchmen) - 275
- Kim-Joy (Baking with Kim-Joy: Cute and Creative Bakes to Make You Smile/Turtle Bread: A Graphic Novel about Baking, Fitting In, and the Power of Friendship/Bake Me A Cat) - 985, 1390
- Chris W. Kim (Herman By Trade, Strays) - 766, 1294
- Derek Kirk Kim (The Last Mermaid, Same Difference) - 1547
- Eric Kim (Nitro Battlers, The Complete Plays of William Shakespeare) - 539, 1508
- Juniper Kim (Koreans Sing In English) - 1330, 1435
- Matt Kindt (Super Spy, 3 Story) - 147
- Tom King (A Once Crowded Sky) - 412, 1546
- Robert Kirkman (The Walking Dead) - 420, 430
- Lawrence Klein (MOCCA Chairman) - 6
- Reinhard Kleist (The Boxer, Johnny Cash: I See A Darkness) - 538, 540, 680, 1439
- Lucy Knisley (Relish, French Milk, An Age of License, Displacement) - 472, 562, 606, 936, 1523
- Falynn Koch (Science Comics: Bats: Learning to Fly, Plagues: The Microscopic Battlefield) - 725, 758, 802
- Leeanne M. Krecic (Let's Play) - 1238
- Charlot Kristensen (What We Don't Talk About, Bessie the Motorcycle Queen) - 1001, 1361
- Peter Kuper (Ruins, Spy vs. Spy) - 1506
- Seth Kushner (Culture POP Photo Comix) - 442, 602
- Rob Kutner (Shrinkage/The Conan Show writer) - 735
- Nathaniel Lachenmeyer (The Singing Rock and Other Brand-New Fairy Tales) - 988
- Jonathan Lang (Meyer) - 986
- Ashley Lanni-Hoye (Aspire) - 478, 779
- Hope Larson (All Summer Long/Batgirl/Goldie Vance) - 852
- Miss Lasko-Gross (A Mess of Everything) - 200, 614, 700, 1444
- John Layman (Chew, AoD vs Marvel Zombies) - 79, 275, 502, 702, 1526
- Deb JJ Lee (In Limbo) - 1417
- Hyesu Lee (Self-Love Club/The Best Spot to Pee in NYC) - 1384, 1488
- Jim Lee (WildCATS, Batman) - 19, 104
- Lela Lee (Angry Little Asian Girl) - 1527
- Soo Lee (Maleficent, DC/RWBY) - 1447
- Stan Lee (Everything Marvel) - 68, 418
- Tony Lee (Hope Falls, Doctor Who) - 152, 177, 180, 260
- Legacy Rising - 724
- Jeff Lemire - 843
- Emi Lenox (EmiTown) - 545
- Sonia Leong (Manga Shakespeare: Romeo & Juliet, Telling Tales) - 140.5, 178, 265, 402, 1465
- Dr. Andrea Letamendi (Clinical Psychologist/Scientist) - 488, 556, 623, 702, 784, 868, 961, 1057, 1309, 1416, 1529
- Megan Levens (Madame Frankenstein/Buffy) - 781, 859
- Congressman John Lewis (March) - 485
- Morag Lewis (A Pocketful of Clouds) - 402
- Pat Lewis (The Claws Come Out) - 147
- Nana Li (Rising Stars of Manga) - 265
- Cecilia Lim (Kwento Comics CEO) - 1415, 1521, 1554
- Waverley Lim (Kwento Comics COO) - 1415, 1521
- Chien Fan Liu (Bo.ing Comix) - 1279
- Lights (Skin & Earth) - 784, 877
- Stephan Lindsay (Jesus Hates Zombies) - 120, 138
- Liniers (Macanudo) - 1530
- Greg Lockard (Liebstrasse) - 998, 1564
- Dan Lockwood (SelfMadeHero Editor) - 405
- Briana Loewinsohn (Ephemera) - 1422
- Jesse Lonergan (All Star) - 539, 540
- Anne Mette Kaerulf Lorentzen (When I Came Out) - 1294
- Tula Lotay (Supreme: Blue Rose, Barnstormers) - 1401, 1458
- Matthew Loux (The Time Museum) - 757
- Abede Lovelace (City of Walls) - 303
- John Lucas (Codename: Knockout, Superman, X-Men) - 65, 94, 100, 308, 542
- Heidi MacDonald (The Beat) - 100, 110, 194, 300, 322, 400, 449, 453, 467, 500
- Andrew Maclean (Head Lopper, Apocalyptigirl) - 619
- Colleen Madden (Shelley Frankenstein!: Cowpiggy, All I Want For Christmas Is You) - 1438
- Kevin Maguire (Tanga, Justice League of America) - 300, 319, 400, 500
- Mike Maihack (Cleopatra In Space, Cow & Buffalo) - 205, 266, 335, 478, 536, 546, 606, 765, 939, 1403
- Paul Malmont (The Chinatown Death Cloud Peril) - 40
- Steve Manale (Superslackers) - 330, 331
- Ken Marcus (Super Human Resources) - 206
- MariNaomi (I Thought You Loved Me, Turning Japanese) - 1400, 1434
- Harry Markos (Markosia publisher) - 261, 402
- KT Marrinan (Skelemancy) - 1501
- Brett Matthews (The Lone Ranger)- 59
- Menton Matthews (Monocyte) - 367
- Allan Matudio (Kasama) - 1293
- Paul Maybury (Sovereign) - 548
- Kagan McLeod (Infinite Kung-Fu, Kaptara) - 609
- Ben McCool (Choker, Memoir, PIGS) - 194, 217, 266, 300, 321, 324, 400
- John McCrea (Hitman, The Demon, Dicks) - 141, 231, 404, 886, 996
- Conor McCreery (Kill Shakespeare) - 610
- Darryl McDaniels aka DMC of Run-DMC (Darryl Makes Comics) - 571, 803
- Patrick McEown (Hair Shirt) - 474
- Cara McGee (Over the Garden Wall) - 778, 779, 1241, 1406
- Ed McGuinness (Deadpool, Superman/Batman) - 337
- Sarah McIntyre (Vern & Lettuce) - 325
- Jamie McKelvie (The Wicked & The Divine, Phonogram, Young Avengers) - 648, 996, 1559
- Emilia McKenzie (But You Have Friends) - 1462, 1566
- Brockton McKinney (DeathCurse) - 412, 548, 697, 780
- Joel Meadows (Tripwire) - 402
- Greg Means (Penny Nichols) - 967
- Amy Mebberson (Monsters, Inc., Muppets, Pocket Princesses) - 412
- Kevin Mellon (GearHead) - 94, 366, 413, 478, 697, 858
- Brad Meltzer (Identity Crisis, JLA) - 313
- David Michelinie (Iron Man, Amazing Spider-Man) - 85
- Joe Midthun (Death-Day Editor) - 331
- Mark Millar (Kick-Ass, Wanted, The Ultimates) - 404
- Kevin Miller (Invader Comics) - 1501
- Matt Miner (Liberator) - 467, 544
- Inaki Miranda (Tribes: The Dog Years) - 280
- Gavin Mitchell (Stiffs) - 402
- Erika Moen (DAR!) - 266
- Yesenia Moises (Honeysmoke) - 988
- Michael Molcher (2000AD Brand Manager, I Am the Law: How Judge Dredd Predicted Our Future) - 332, 417, 872, 883, 1338
- Bryan Mon (Tuff-Girl) - 1410
- Lauren Monardo (Jesus Hates Zombies, Buddy Cops) - 138
- Caleb Monroe (Steed and Mrs. Peel) - 440
- P.J. Montgomery (Stiffs) - 402
- Fabio Moon (Two Brothers, Casanova) - 622, 695
- Leah Moore (Albion, Raise the Dead, Sherlock Holmes) - 140, 887, 1359
- Dr. Miriam Eve Mora (Co-Founder of JewCE: The Jewish Comics Experience!) - 1456
- Lauren Moran - 619
- Soren Mosdal (Basquiat, Trojka) - 943
- Tony Moy (The 4Forty2nd) - 1553
- Michelle Mozes (BlueStreak) - 439, 445, 500, 531
- Chuck Mullin (Bird Brain) - 1003
- B. Mure (Ismyre) - 1001, 1361, 1509
- Sarah Myer (Monstrous, TMNT) - 1404
- Demi Naito (The Pigeons of Los Angeles) -1566
- David Nakayama (Big Hero 6, Hulk, City of Heroes) - 299
- Renee Nault (Witchling, The Handmaid's Tale) - 472, 536, 537, 939
- Gabrielle Ng (Eggman Comics) - 1437
- Jamar Nicholas (Fist, Stick, Knife, Gun) - 780
- Ethan Nicolle (Axe Cop, Chumble Spuzz) - 129
- Mei-Li Nieuwland (Fork in the Road) - 942
- Audrey Niffenegger (Bizarre Romance, The Time Traveler's Wife) - 847
- Steve Niles (30 Days of Night, Criminal Macabre, Simon Dark) - 95, 413, 414
- Jamie Noguchi (Yellow Peril) - 1325
- Jay Nolte (The Zombie Office) - 502
- Natalie Norris (Dear Mini: A Graphic Memoir, Part One) - 1436
- Mike Norton (All New Atom, Green Arrow/Black Canary, Gravity) - 114, 620, 887, 1354
- Phil Noto (Ghost, Uncanny X-Force) - 480
- Danica Novgorodoff (The Undertaking of Lily Chen) - 531
- Barry Nugent (Unseen Shadows, Geek Syndicate podcast) - 1005
- Michael Avon Oeming (Powers) - 8, 443, 575
- Melody Often (Trinidot) - 724, 775
- Tayo Olarewaju (Mister Who) - 404
- Ghezal Omar (Pimp Killer) - 1427
- Josh O'Neil (Once Upon A Time Machine) - 440
- Kwanza Osajyefo (Black) - 1048
- Jim Ottaviani (The Imitation Game: Alan Turing Decoded) - 680
- Greg Pak (Hulk, Hercules) - 77, 138, 181, 299, 363, 439, 892, 983, 1248. 1291, 1344, 1453
- Jimmy Palmiotti (Jonah Hex, Painkiller Jane, Ash) - 76, 100, 479
- Rachel Pandich (Aspire) - 412, 478
- Dan Panosian (Slots) - 892
- Dan Parent (Archie) - 439, 625, 805, 968
- Hyun Park (KoCCA Project Manager) - 1342
- Sam Park (Monsterverse) - 488
- Patrick Thomas Parnell (Time Grunts, Johnny Phantasm) - 859
- Tommi Parrish (The Lie and How We Told It) - 853
- Frederick Peeters (Sandcastle) - 474
- Mike Pellerito (Archie Comics President) - 625
- Ana Penyas (We're All Just Fine) - 1444
- Kevin Peretta (Bloom) - 935
- David Petersen (Mouse Guard) - 232
- JT Petty (Bloody Chester) - 440
- LeUyen Pham (Real Friends) - 768
- Thien Pham (Family Style: Memories of an American From Vietnam) - 1419
- David Phillips (Hi-Fructose Zombies) - 440
- Kayden Phoenix (Latina Superheroes/Princesses) - 1426
- Ed Piskor (Hip Hop Family Tree) - 608
- Nick Pitarra (The Manhattan Projects) - 412
- Dan Poblicki (Shadow House Trilogy) - 801
- Paul Pope (Heavy Liquid, Batman: Year 100, Battling Boy) - 22, 24, 100, 102, 105.5, 233, 400, 473
- Jason Porath (Rejected Princesses) - 780
- Jay Potts (World of Hurt) - 412
- Nate Powell (March, The Silence of Our Frieds) - 765, 1062
- Evan Pozios (Time Grunts, Johnny Phantasm) - 859
- Brian Pulido (Lady Death, Evil Ernie) - 206, 571, 724
- Alice Quinn (TdotComics, Quinntessential Comix) - 474
- Amy Ratcliffe (Star Wars: Women of the Galaxy) - 892
- Liz/Jimmy Reed (Cuddles and Rage) - 1278
- MK Reed (Penny Nichols) - 967
- Rick Remender (Fear Agent, Punisher) - 95, 146
- John Reppion (Albion, Raise the Dead, Sherlock Holmes) - 140
- David Reuss (Sigil/Society of Illustrators Board Member) - 1385
- Sandrine Revel (Glenn Gould: A Life Off Tempo) - 769, 771
- Katy Rex (2000AD Sci-Fi Special) - 883
- Philippa Rice (My Cardboard Life) - 263, 329
- Keith Richardson (2000AD editor) - 332
- Matt Roberts (Manifest Destiny) - 620
- Darick Robertson (The Boys, Transmetropolitan) - 88
- Jerry Robinson (Joker/Robin creator) - 31
- Kat Rocha (Utopiates, Titanium Rain) - 79
- Robbi Rodriguez (Maintenance, Frankie Get Your Gun) - 481, 616
- Pete Rogers (7 Shades) - 891
- Dave Roman (Astronaut Academy: Re-Entry) - 725
- Jenny Romanchuk (The Zombie Hunters) - 112 ,204
- John Romita, Sr. (Amazing Spider-Man, Captain America) - 64
- Don Rosa (Scrooge McDuck) - 336, 337
- Rafael Rosado (Monsters Beware!) - 894
- Jonathan Rosenbaum (ZomB & VampR) - 780
- Jonathan Ross (Turf, Friday Night w/ Jonathan Ross) - 264, 346, 404
- Stephane Roux (Harley Quinn) - 545, 618
- Kevin Michael Rowe (N.A.R.L.I.) - 1501
- Jake Rowlinson (Sioux Warrior) - 403
- Bree Rubin (Sex, Drugs and June Cleaver) - 303
- Steve Rude (Nexus, The Moth) - 106, 107
- Jess Ruliffson (Invisible Wounds) - 1384
- Andy Runton (Owly) - 95, 546, 858
- Mark Sable (Dracule: Son of the Dragon, The Dark) - 998
- Fehed Said (Telling Tales, Talking to Strangers) - 265
- Tim Sale (Batman) - 4, 337
- Margaux Saltel (SuperFreaks) - 891, 998
- Alison Sampson (Winnebago Graveyard/Hit Girl) - 888, 1348
- George Sanders/Shawn Curran (Sneaky Snake Films) - 502
- Dan Santat (A First Time For Everything) - 1424
- Jade Sarson (Cafe Suada) - 887
- Boris Savic (Banimon) - 398
- Chris Schweizer (Crogan Adventures) - 336, 546
- Erica Schultz (M3, Hallow's Eve, Moon Knight, Daredevil, Marvel Zombies) - 470, 600, 800, 894, 989, 1077, 1341, 1452
- Rebecca Scoble (Sparkler Monthly) - 539
- Mairghread Scott (Marvel Rising, Science Comics: Robots and Drones) - 872
- Steven Seagle (Camp Midnight/Ben 10) - 892
- Alex Segura (Archie Comics SVP Publicity & Marketing) - 547, 651, 805
- Robert Sellers (Hellraisers) - 467
- Lianne Sentar (Sparkler Monthly) - 539
- Koren Shadmi (Highwayman, The Twilight Man: Rod Serling and the Birth of Television) - 967 986
- J. Webster Sharp (The Scrapbook of Life and Death) - 1565
- Haigen & Jim Shelley (NorthStars) - 697
- Chris Sheridan (Motorcycle Samurai) - 781
- Howard Shum (Gun Fu) - 150
- Nate Simpson (Nonplayer) - 619, 620
- Fahr Sindrams (Losing Neverland) - 263
- Katie Skelly (My Pretty Vampire, Nurse Nurse, Operation Margarine) - 859, 861
- Will Sliney (Spider-Man 2099, Spider-Man, Star Wars) - 544, 1339
- Jamie Smart (Bear, Ubu Bubu, Corporate Skull, Find Chaffy) - 170, 171, 204, 263, 403
- Matthew D. Smith (Bee Sting) - 545, 780
- Rachael Smith (Wired Up Wrong, The Rabbit, House Party, Stand In Your Power, Flimsy) - 889, 890, 1004, 1075, 1355, 1460
- Dee Snider (He's Not Gonna Take It) - 1448
- Scott Snyder (Batman, American Vampire) - 416
- Taki Soma - 443
- Kean Soo (Jellaby) - 325
- Jeremy Sorese (Curveball) - 681
- Charles Soule (27) - 336, 413, 803
- Si Spurrier (Doctor Who/The Spire/Weavers/The Dreaming/Coda/Angelic) - 724, 886, 1353, 1448, 1563
- Richard Starkings (Elephantmen) - 263, 891
- Jim Starlin (Captain Marvel, Dreadstar, Shang Chi, Thanos) - 74
- Chris Staros (Top Shelf Comics Publisher) - 95, 1427
- Valerie Stern (Hooray For Harold) - 548
- Cameron Stewart (Batgirl) - 571, 770, 777
- Lizzy Stewart (Walking Distance) - 995
- Kyle Strahm (We Will Bury You) - 299
- Barbara Stok (Vincent) - 602, 1326
- Dacre Stoker (Dracula the Un-Dead) - 178
- Lucy Sullivan (Barking, Early Doors: Shelter, Black Hammer) - 994, 1354, 1463
- Ward Sutton (Sutton Impact) - 20
- Arthur Suydam (Marvel Zombies, Batman, Conan) - 83
- Sharleen Dee Sy (Halo Halo app) -1521
- George Takei (They Called Us Enemy) - 958
- Jillian Tamaki (SuperMutant Magic Academy, This One Summer, Skim) - 608
- Mariko Tamaki (Laura Dean Keeps Breaking Up With Me, Supergirl; Being Super) - 935
- Jamie Tanner (The Aviary) - 102, 230, 303, 603, 769
- Steve Tanner (Time Bomb Comics) - 404
- Babs Tarr (Batgirl, Motor Crush) - 571, 606, 618, 770, 777, 857
- Elinor Taylor (The Balloon Hunter) - 1554
- Raina Telgemeier (Ghosts, Drama, Smile, Sisters) - 702, 1347
- Hannah Templer (CosmoKnights) - 1426
- Ben Templesmith (30 Days of Night, Wormwood: Gentleman Corpse) - 217, 229, 246, 266, 319, 345, 400, 412, 439, 502, 545, 571, 695, 776, 805, 1238, 1335, 1410
- Nic ter Horst (Cutie CORPS) - 697
- Daria Tessler (Salome's Last Dance) - 1436
- Ben Thompson (BadAss)- 276
- Jill Thompson (Scary Godmother) - 398
- Zoe Thorogood (The Impending Blindess of Billie Scott, It's Lonely at the Centre of the Earth) - 1352, 1401
- Frank Tieri (Wolverine, Hulk) - 479, 651, 805
- Bobby Timony (Goblin Hood) - 697, 1307
- Vivek Tiwary (The Fifth Beatle) - 477
- Randall Trang (Rollergirl and the Flying Sidekick) - 1145
- Laura Trinder (Night Post, The Midnight Hour) - 888, 1004, 1359
- David Trustman (God Slap) - 803
- Ashling Tu (Perfect Blue) - 1386
- Billy Tucci (Shi) - 397
- Carrie Tucker (I Love Geeks) - 169
- Typex (Andy: The Life and Times of Andy Warhol) - 941
- Neil deGrasse Tyson (Cosmos Host) - 901
- Rev Valdez (Bunso Meets A Mumu) - 1450
- Rosemary Valero-O'Connell (Laura Dean Keeps Breaking Up With Me) - 935
- Fred Van Lente (Resurrectionists/Incredible Hercules/Action Philosophers) - 581, 700, 1080, 1552
- Judith Vanistendael (When David Lost His Voice) - 475
- Noah Van Sciver (As A Cartoonist) - 1385
- Sara Varon (SweaterWeather) - 806
- Brian K. Vaughan (Y: The Last Man, Ex Machina, Runaways) - 55
- Jen Vaughn (Deadwater, Avery Fatbottom: Renaissance Faire Detective) - 805
- Colleen AF Venable (Kiss Number 8, Katie the Catsitter) - 937, 1340, 1455
- Robert Venditti (Green Lantern, The Flash) - 618
- Jeff Victor (Wish) - 1493
- Emma Vieceli - 140.5, 178, 261, 265, 298, 402, 443, 502, 851, 886, 997, 1356, 1464, 1569
- Jose Villarubia (Colorist on Everything!) - 105
- Brian Volk-Weiss (Nacelle Universe CEO) - 1551
- Cynthia Von Buhler (Minky Woodcock: The Girl Who Handcuffed Houdini, The Illuminati Ball) - 897, 989, 1175, 1543
- Sean Von Gorman (The Pedestrian/Toe Tag Riot) - 1239, 1532
- Mark Waid (Ignited, Humanoids Director of Creative Development) - 986
- Tillie Walden (Spinning) - 866
- Ell J. Walker (Catharsis) - 1571
- Jen Wang (The Prince and the Dressmaker/In Real Life) - 848
- Sofia Warren (Radical: My Year with a Socialist Senator) - 1489
- Laura Watton (Biomecha) - 265
- Georgia Webber (Dumb: Living Without A Voice) - 849
- Scott Weinstein (After-School Agent) - 147, 338
- Julia Wertz (The Fart Party, Drinking at the Movies, Museum of Mistakes, Impossible People) - 146, 312, 1397
- Katie West (Becoming Dangerous/Split) - 890
- Sarah Whang (Freewheeling) - 1505
- Shannon Wheeler (Sh*t My President Says/Too Much Coffee Man) - 784, 872
- Jeremy Whitley (Princeless) - 546, 548
- Maris Wicks (Human Body Theater) - 465
- Christian Wildgoose (Porcelain, Batgirl) - 888, 987, 1363
- Lee Fenton Wilkinson (Afroella) - 404
- Sarah Wilkinson (LucasFilm, Topps) - 95
- Chrissy Williams (Golden Rage) - 1358
- Marcus Williams (Tuskegee Heirs) - 780
- Bill Willingham (Fables) - 416
- Adam Withers/Comfort Love (The Uniques) - 148, 205, 502, 548, 617, 1240
- Damon Wong (Journey of Heroes) - 485
- Ken Wong (Origami Comics) - 840
- Tom Wood (Future) - 1003
- Tory Woollcott (Mirror Mind) - 254, 325, 329, 330, 331
- Richard Worth (Ladies & Gentlemen) - 403
- Bernie Wrightson - 414
- Jake Wyatt (Necropolis) - 617, 620
- Yao Xiao (Everything Is Beautiful, And I'm Not Afraid) - 1279, 1491
- Zi Xu - 1241
- Victoria Ying (Diana Princess of the Amazons, Hungry Ghost) - 1303, 1420
- Melanie L. Yan (Make-Believe & Wannabe) - 1293
- Gene Luen Yang (American Born Chinese, Boxers & Saints, The Shadow Hero) - 559, 1085, 1446
- Reimena Yee (The Carpet Merchant of Konstantiniyya) - 1003
- Faye Yong (Murphy's Law) - 265
- Yoshi Yoshitani - 775, 1239
- Skottie Young - 114
- S. Craig Zahler (Organisms From an Ancient Cosmos, Bone Tomahawk) - 1372
- Thom Zahler (Love and Capes) - 546
- Chip Zdarsky (Sex Criminals, Howard the Duck, Kaptara) - 607, 651
- Jenapher Zheng (Kwento Comics Editor) - 1415
- Jim Zub (Skullkickers) - 330
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