Comic News Insider: Episode 1576 is now available for free download! Click on the link or follow on Spotify/subscribe on iTunes!
It's our BIG Best of 2024 podcast! In the annual very lengthy podcast, Jimmy and Producer Joe invite friends Avery Kaplan and Heidi MacDonald to join in the fun. They each talk about their favorite picks of 2024 in comics, TV, streaming and film. While they all often have multiple picks per category, Jimmy still has trouble narrowing down his choices (as usual). Hang in there for the ride as there a tons of great picks from the gang! Of course, as we always say, these picks are what we read/saw and we didn't read/see EVERYTHING. Do understand if we don't talk about some of your faves. Let us know what they are and we'll check them out!
Also, get a hold of us!