Comic News Insider: Episode 1335 is now available for free download! Click on the link or follow on Spotify/subscribe on iTunes!
Jimmy went to New York Comic Con (NYCC) over the weekend and is here to tell you all about it! A great recap of the set up, crowd, exhibitors, guests, press rooms, interviews, cosplayers, and more. Jimmy also got a bunch of interviews and did a couple of press rooms. In this episode, you'll hear his talks with Jeremy Holt, Sweeney Boo and Ben Templesmith! Jeremy talked about their upcoming work GATSBY, Sweeney chatted about her recent new book OVER MY DEAD BODY and Ben started talking about things until we abruptly stopped the recording. BUT WHY?!! That's right. You have to tune in to find out. It was an exhausting but fun weekend and Jimmy would do it all over again. Also, get a hold of us!
Thanks for listening!