Comic News Insider: Episode 1302 is now available for free download! Click on the link or follow on Spotify/subscribe on iTunes!
Reviews: The Boys s3 finale, Ms Marvel s1 finale
Jimmy chats w/ his good pal director Jim Batt about his animated adaptation THE GRAVE OF ST. ORAN based on a poem by Neil Gaiman. They talk about the process of stop motion and using paper cut outs. Jim also talks about how he is attending San Diego Comic Con for the first time to discuss the film. Jimmy promises to take good care of him when he's out there! Speaking of SDCC, Jimmy is off to the big event this week! First one back since 2019. Jimmy goes over his plans to cover the show w/ press rooms and 1:1 interviews. It's not as big as normal press-wise, but he's got a lot of great stuff lined up. Follow him on his social media (@jimmyaquino) to see who/what he covers while out there!
As usual, Jimmy recruits some of his favorite audio reviewers again just for 2 season finales this week. Thanks to Melissa and Marta! Always such insightful and great reviews and the powers that be at CNI appreciate them so much. Let us know if you've read and/or watched what we reviewed and send us your thoughts! Thanks to Emily for the news which only includes a couple of big stories that came out the past week or 2! Also, get a hold of us!
Thanks for listening!