Comic News Insider: Episode 1301 is now available for free download! Click on the link or follow on Spotify/subscribe on iTunes!
THOR: LOVE AND THUNDER is the big Marvel film out that everyone Jimmy knew was going to see so he decided to do a special on it! He recruited pals Melissa, Marta, Jon, Steph, Therese and Avery to give their thoughts on the film. Of course, he also gives his own thoughts and boy howdy are they a lot of thoughts! Spoilers will abound as this is for those of you whom have seen it. Check it out if you have and let us know if you agree/disagree or what you think of the film. Is it better than the last one? Does director Taika Waititi deliver again? How many gods appear in it? Tune in to find those answers and more. Also, get a hold of us!
Thanks for listening!