Comic News Insider: Episode 1244 is now available for free download! Click on the link or follow on Spotify/subscribe on iTunes!
After a 14 year hiatus, THE MANDYS return!! Jimmy's old pals, Mandy Kaplan and Mandy Fabian, were guests on the podcast in episode 90 back in May 2007. We promised to get them back on and our schedules finally cleared up. They started a new podcast last year originally called Mandemic Mondays though recently changed to Mandcave where they review movies. 99% of the time they disagree on everything. So, Jimmy thought it would be fun to have them on to talk about the recent Marvel film BLACK WIDOW. What did they think? Love, hate or somewhere in between? A great catch up and some reminiscing and, of course, lots of laughs! Also, get a hold of us!
Thanks for listening!