Comic News Insider: Episode 1206 is now available for free download! Click on the link or follow on Spotify/subscribe on iTunes!
UK publisher SelfMadeHero always puts out great work and they have an engaging new anthology called I FEEL LOVE that is currently out. It's a weird, funky and freaky look at love. 6 great stories by 6 great cartoonists! Jimmy chats solo with contributor Kelsey Wroten about her story in the anthology, the concept behind it, her art style, what she's reading and more! Jimmy recruits the Features Editor of The Beat, Avery Kaplan, to join in the conversation with contributor Benjamin Marra. Benjamin discusses inspirations for his story, how he adapts his art for each tale, his YouTube channel, terrible movies and more! A fun, entertaining and great chat with everyone. Thanks to Benjamin and Kelsey for taking the time! Also, get a hold of us!
Thanks for listening!