Comic News Insider: Episode 1200 is now available for free download! Click on the link or follow on Spotify/subscribe on iTunes!
It's the big 1200th episode and Jimmy and Joe are live from a bar...oh wait, no. Pandemic stuff. Right. Jimmy and Joe Zoom it up for a nice leisurely chat about what they are reading and watching lately over the past year. Joe also invites a local comic shop owner, Cristopher Livecchi, on to talk about what's it like owning a comic book store during lockdown. If you're ever in Kingston, NY, stop by WORLD'S END COMICS and tell them CNI sent you! You can also order from them online. J & J also introduce a new segment which may become an annual thing where they teach each other something. What do they learn? TUNE IN TO FIND OUT! Always great having the two of them back together. Enjoy! Also, get a hold of us!
Thanks for listening!