Comic News Insider: Episode 1175 is now available for free download! Click on the link or follow on Spotify/subscribe on iTunes!
In another unplugged episode, Jimmy talks to award winning writer/artist/performer/playwright/author Cynthia Von Buhler! They talk about her new comic series MINKY WOODCOCK: THE GIRL WHO ELECTRIFIED TESLA. The 2nd series starring Minky deals with the famed inventor Nikola Tesla. Why does Minky seek out Tesla? What other historical figures appear? Who is the famous podcaster that makes an appearance in issue #2 (hint: it's Jimmy!)? They also talk about her work in theater and music, her animal sanctuary, drinks, food and what she wants to do first when things open back up. Cynthia is always a delight and such an amazing talent. Such a fun and laid back chat. Thanks to Cynthia for taking the time! Also, get a hold of us!
Thanks for listening!