Comic News Insider: Episode 1181 is now available for free download! Click on the link or follow on Spotify/subscribe on iTunes!
In another unplugged episode, Jimmy has a lengthy and entertaining chat with multi-award nominated actor/singer Corey Reynolds! His new hit SyFy channel series RESIDENT ALIEN just concluded season 1. Will we learn more about Sheriff Mike's history in season 2? Why is Mike so arrogant and rude? Are there more songs in the future? They also talk about Corey's career in musicals on Broadway and tours including his Tony nominated role of "Seaweed" in HAIRSPRAY. He gives great advice for upcoming actors as well. Being a big comic book nerd like Jimmy, they delve into that world talking Green Lantern, Justice League, Black Panther and more. Plus, the importance of representation in TV/film is touched on. A fun and laid back chat. Thanks to Corey for taking the time! Also, get a hold of us!
Thanks for listening!