Comic News Insider: Episode 1157 is now available for free download! Click on the link or follow on Spotify/subscribe on iTunes!
In our 47th episode of COMIC BEAT INSIDER (CBI), Jimmy and Heidi MacDonald (The Beat Chief) welcome back Erin Crosby in a non-musical role. For March, the theme will be "movies that were ahead of their time" which can take on a number of meanings. This week, we talk the 1999 superhero comedy film MYSTERY MEN. For March, the theme will be "movies that were ahead of their time" which can take on a number of meanings. What did it take for Ben Stiller to join the cast? Just how much was improvised? Is Michael Bay really in the film? Did Tim Burton secretly direct it? Why didn't the film do well at the box office? Join us each week to listen in live. Send in topic ideas for future episodes. Be it in comics, TV or film. Also, get a hold of us!
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