Comic News Insider: Episode 1116 is now available for free download! Click on the link or follow on Spotify/subscribe on iTunes!
In another unplugged episode, Jimmy talks with his friend Brea Grant about her new graphic novel MARY:THE ADVENTURES OF MARY SHELLEY'S GREAT-GREAT-GREAT-GREAT-GREAT GRANDDAUGHTER and new film that she wrote/directed called 12 HOUR SHIFT. They also talk about her other recent film work as an actress, her podcast READING GLASSES, directing TV, traveling, life in a pandemic, Brea always dragging Jimmy to her favorite restaurant in San Diego, missing friends/connections and conventions/festivals and more! As usual, Jimmy's chat with Brea is more conversation than interview so we talk about a wide variety of things. A really fun and laid back time. Also, get a hold of us!
Thanks for listening!