Comic News Insider: Episode 1111 is now available for free download! Click on the link or follow on Spotify/subscribe on iTunes!
In our 32nd (and maybe longest) episode of COMIC BEAT INSIDER (CBI), Jimmy and Heidi MacDonald (The Beat Chief) are joined by Anthony Del Col (Writer of Kill Shakespeare/Assassin's Creed: Gold) and Erin Crosby (Pickles and Pies) to discuss the 1946 Frank Capra classic IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE. Jimmy claims he could give a TED talk on this movie as it's his favorite ever. Does he teach anything new? How is the movie Shakespearean? What's the real story behind Bert & Ernie? Who got liquored up for a scene? What does the movie mean to the panel and why? This was a terrific talk with loads of laughs and even a few tears. IAWL does that to you! Join us each week to listen in live. Send in topic ideas for future episodes. Be it in comics, TV or film. Also, get a hold of us!
Thanks for listening!