Comic News Insider: Episode 866 is now available for free download! Click on the link or get it through iTunes! Sponsored by Dynamic Forces.
Jimmy is in LA recovering from the madness of San Diego Comic Con! Boy howdy did he get a lot of coverage. Some amazing 1:1s and awesome press rooms. And he was even on one of the awesome 2000AD panels! Over the next few weeks, you will hear his coverage for Adventure Time, Better Call Saul, Misfits and Monsters, Cloak & Dagger, DC Superhero Girls, Doctor Who, Fear the Walking Dead, Lego DC Super Villains, Preacher, Riverdale, The Walking Dead, Wynonna Earp, and Young Justice: Outsiders. You'll also get some great 1:1s with Lights, Dr. Andrea Letamendi, Felicia D. Henderson, Mairghread Scott, Michael Molcher, Shannon Wheeler, Sandeep Parikh and maybe a few other surprises! In THIS episode, you'll hear his 1:1s with Eisner award winners Pia Guerra (Me the People, Y: The Last Man) and Tillie Walden (Spinning). Also, Jimmy gets his fortune told by The Seer from History Channel's Vikings! No regular format show over the next few weeks. Just the awesome and massive SDCC coverage!! Leave your iTunes comments! 5 stars and nothing but love! Also, get a hold of us!
Thanks for listening!