Comic News Insider: Episode 702 is now available for free download! Click on the link or get it through iTunes! Sponsored by Dynamic Forces.
Jimmy was at San Diego Comic Con and all we got was this lousy t-shirt! It was a crazy busy time and he covered a ton of press rooms from Orphan Black to Supergirl to The Walking Dead. He also had a chance to do some 1:1s. You'll hear him chat with the awesome Raina Telgemeier about her upcoming graphic novel, Ghosts, as well as her past work. Jimmy talked to Jeffrey Brown about the first book in his new series Lucy and Andy Neanderthal. He also talked to old buddy John Layman about the Predator vs Judge Dredd vs Aliens comic he's writing as well as wrapping up his big hit Chew. And finally, you can sit in on Jimmy's annual therapy session...uh...interview with psychologist friend Dr. Andrea Letamendi. They talk about the psychology of some recent superhero films and more! No news or reviews or Top 3 in this episode as he's still recovering from it all. But you get a quick recap with some highlights!
Over the next few weeks, there wont be a regular format show. You'll get a lot of special episodes covering the press rooms for Arrow, Animaniacs, Agents of SHIELD, The, Flash, Gotham, Supergirl, The Walking Dead, iZombie, Justice League: Action, The Powerpuff Girls, We Bare Bears, Teen Titans Go, Legends of Tomorrow, Orphan Black, Rick and Morty, Riverdale, Steven Universe, and Wynonna Earp. Special thanks to Kelly Bedard of My Entertainment World for partnering up and covering some of the rooms that Jimmy couldn't cover.
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