Comic News Insider: Episode 701 is now available for free download! Click on the link or get it through iTunes! Sponsored by Dynamic Forces.
Reviews: Kong of Skull Island #1, New Super-Man #1, Powerpuff Girls Vol 3 #1, Ghostbusters
No rest for the podcaster! The epic 700th episode went down last week and now it's off to San Diego for Comic Con! Because of all the mad planning and prepping, Jimmy does a quickie solo episode to let you know what his media coverage/plans are for this year's SDCC. He recruits some friends to do some mp3 reviews for him so it's not entirely all Jimmy all the time. You're welcome! Thanks to Rich, Emily, Monica and John for sending their audio reviews in. News includes: a new Jessica Jones comic is coming from Brian Michael Bendis and Michael Gaydos, DC/Vertigo is bringing a comic book sequel to the 1987 film The Lost Boys, Betty Boop returns to comic books via Dynamite Entertainment, Dark Horse announces more adult coloring books including Star Trek and Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and Bryan Lee O'Malley has a new graphic novel trilogy coming your way.
Jimmy will do an SDCC recap next week and will probably just release SDCC specials for 2-3 weeks to catch up on life. So, no regular format podcast for at a bit. Hope you enjoy all the massive coverage he's going to get! And if you see him out there, say "hi"!
Leave your iTunes comments! 5 stars and nothing but love! Also, get a hold of us!
Thanks for listening!