I first met Darwyn Cooke back in 2005 at San Diego Comic Con. My first one. My best pal Cassaday introduced us and Darwyn agreed to do an interview for my fledgling podcast Comic News Insider with me and original host/founder/Producer Joe Gonzalez. I was familiar with his work from Batman: Ego to the Catwoman reboot and the insanely awesome DC: The New Frontier. I remember him being very nice and laid back. Funny, smart and engaging.

In 2011 at Heroes Con, we did a great 1:1 interview about his work to date. I think we talked for about 30 minutes but we could have gone on much longer. He was also on a great panel that I moderated that year. His panel mates were Don Rosa, Tim Sale and Ed McGuinness. Each amazing cartoonists in their own right. It was great to watch someone like Darwyn nerd out over Don Rosa and the others. Always giving props to his talented contemporaries with nary any ego in sight.
Over the years, I would see him at many a comic convention. He was always very kind to me. He never looked down on me for being a podcaster and just accepted me as part of the comics community. We had a massive number of mutual pals, so quite often, we would be at the bar together throwing back a drink or 3. I saw him laughing his ass off, ranting a bit, joking around and more. His passion for the industry was evident in his work and in person.
Thanks again for the kindness, Darwyn. I'll always remember it. You were loved by so many and will be missed by even more. Much love to Marsha, his family and his giant family of friends. Rest in peace, good sir.
If you don't know his work, do seek it out. It's brilliant, heartbreaking, joyful, astonishing and just plain bad ass. And if you're interested in hearing the interviews I did, they are as follows:
Oh yeah, and FUCK CANCER.