Comic News Insider: Episode 685 is now available for free download! Click on the link or get it through iTunes! Sponsored by Dynamic Forces.
Reviews: The Doorman #1 & #2, Killbox #1, Micronauts #1
Jimmy is joined in studio by good pal Jon Hoche! They talk about the recent Game of Thrones episode, The Killing Joke trailer, and the rumor of Swifty as Dazzler in X-Men: Apocalypse. News includes: Jeff Smith is bringing more Bone in July, Congressman John Lewis' March is being adapted into an animated series, Alicia Vikander is the new Lara Croft, NBC/Universal to buy Dreamworks Animation, Marvel has ordered a Punisher Netflix series, a new SpongeBobSquarePants episode will feature the voices of the Happy Days cast, a new animated Peanuts series is coming to Boomerang, Marvel's Agent Carter is 99.9% canceled and more! Leave your iTunes comments! 5 stars and nothing but love! Also, get a hold of us!
Thanks for listening!