Comic News Insider: Episode 619 is now available for free download! Click on the link or get it through iTunes! Sponsored by Dynamic Forces.
Reviews: E Is For Extinction #1, We Are Robin #1, Venture #1, Falling Skies (TNT), Humans (AMC)
The podcast wife Erica Schultz returns to help finish off the final Heroes Con interviews that Jimmy got while covering his favorite convention. You'll hear Nate Simpson (Nonplayer), Andrew Maclean (Head Lopper/Apocalyptigirl) and Lauren Moran! News includes: Grant Morrison/Dan Mora bring a bad ass new Santa Claus origin in Klaus from Boom! Studios, Top Cow will end Witchblade series in October, Guillermo del Toro has dropped out of the Justice League Dark movie, Season 3 of Agents of SHIELD will feature the Secret Warriors, Aquaman is most toxic superhero online, a The Walking Dead zombie cruise is scheduled in January with stars from the series and more! Leave your iTunes comments! 5 stars and nothing but love!
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