Comic News Insider: Episode 621 is now available for free download! Click on the link or get it through iTunes! Sponsored by Dynamic Forces.
Reviews: 8House: Arclight #1, Barb Wire Vol 2 #1, Spire #1, We Stand On Guard #1
Due to some last minute cancellations, Jimmy has to do a solo episode for you. He's madly prepping for San Diego Comic Con and it's all down to the wire. You'll hear his lovely friend Milana Vayntrub in this episode too! She was visiting NYC and they had a drink and chatted about her sci-fi comedy Other Space, being "Lily" on the AT&T commercials, her directing ambitions and more. News includes: Image Expo announces massive slew of new comics, DC announces 8 new mini-series, Marvel annouces 45 titles for the post-Battleworld Marvel lineup, Dynamite announces new projects from Garth Ennis (A Train Called Love) & Warren Ellis (James Bond) plus collaborations with Atari and Fleischer Studios, JK Rowling is developing a Harry Potter stage play and Elodie Young has been cast as "Elektra" in Netflix's Daredevil series. Leave your iTunes comments! 5 stars and nothing but love!
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