Comic News Insider: Episode 602 is now available for free download! Click on the link or get it through iTunes! Sponsored by Dynamic Forces.
Reviews: Convergence #1, Rebels #1, Savior #1, Daredevil, Game of Thrones
It's the MoCCA recap and Jimmy is joined in studio by Producer Joe and pal Jon Hoche. Jimmy and Joe attended MoCCA Festival over the weekend and experienced some amazing small press comic book goodness! Jimmy interviewed Monica Gallagher, Dean Haspiel, Seth Kushner, Barbara Stok and Jamie Tanner. You'll hear Dean, Seth and Barbara in this episode and Monica and Jamie in next week's episode. Jimmy also cheated on CNI by appearing on 2 other podcasts last week. He was part of the annual Jay and Jack charity podcast for Autism Speaks and a guest on his friend Amber's Vodka O'Clock podcast (available next week). Jimmy and Joe gave their recap and thoughts on this year's MoCCA. Hint: It rocked! News includes: New Lego Dimensions game from Warner Bros., DC Comics leaves NYC for good, you can relive Superman 2 with Margot Kidder, Agents of SHIELD gets a spin-off, Olivia Munn is cast as Psylocke in upcoming X:Men film, new Spider-Man film will have teenage Spidey/no origin re-telling/new costume with "classic Spidey" feel, Brad Bird is working on The Incredibles 2, Lucy Griffiths joins AMC's Preacher cast and director Michelle McLaren leaves Wonder Woman film over "creative differences". Leave your iTunes comments! 5 stars and nothing but love!
Also, get a hold of us!
Thanks for listening!