Comic News Insider: Episode 594 is now available for free download! Click on the link or get it through iTunes! Sponsored by Dynamic Forces.
Reviews: Darth Vader #1, Divinity #1, Empty #1, Help Us Great Warrior #1, Kingsman: The Secret Service, Penn Zero: Part-Time Hero
The podcast mistress Emily Edwards returns and once again trudges through the icy snow to co-host. They chat about their weeks and the best line from the SNL 40th anniversary special. (Hint: no live tweeting). News includes: brothers Gabriel Ba & Fabio Moon team up again for Two Brothers from Dark Horse, Game of Thrones Season 5 will kill off characters not dead in books, Star Wars at sea, Kirkman's Outcast coming to Cinemax, Gina Carano joins the Deadpool film (along with "Colossus") and Daniel Kinnaman is in talks to play "Rick Flagg" in the Suicide Squad film. 5 stars and nothing but love!
Also, get a hold of us!
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