Comic News Insider: Episode 581 is now available for free download! Click on the link or get it through iTunes! Sponsored by Dynamic Forces.
Reviews: Bigger Bang #1, Django/Zorro #1, The Kitchen #1
Jon Hoche returns to join Jimmy in studio to fill the rotating co-host chair. Jimmy shares his cameo appearance in his pal Grace Helbig's recent video and they wish a big happy 86th anniversary to Mickey and Minnie Mouse! Special guest Fred Van Lente also joins the guys to chat about his extensive writing career in comics. We cover much including his early work to his massive Marvel comics up to his current new Dark Horse series Resurrectionists. Fred also has great tips on writing for all of you budding writers out there. And we bring back the old CNI questionnaire to find out some of Fred's favorite superhero onomatopoeia and catch phrases. It's a lengthy episode but chock full of FVL goodness! Apologies for rushing at the end though. Jon and Jimmy had to bust out to go see an advanced screening of Kingsman: The Secret Service (Thanks Mark Millar!). Leave your iTunes comments! 5 stars and nothing but love!
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