Comic News Insider: Episode 579 is now available for free download! Click on the link or get it through iTunes! Sponsored by Dynamic Forces.
Reviews: Deathlok Vol 5 #1, Pirouette #1, The Rage Vol 1: Zombie Generation, Rasputin #1, Over the Garden Wall
Old pal and newly dubbed podcast brother Jon Hoche joins Jimmy in studio along with the podcast mistress Emily Edwards. They applaud Marvel for finally adding Jack Kirby's name to the credits in their comics and chat about Emily's lackluster sandwich. News includes: DC Comics announces next big event with Convergence, Netflix orders live action Richie Rich series and Marvel to crossover with Attack on Titan. And, in a very special segment, we bring you some awesome radio play action with KING RA: LIGHT'S OUT! Written by Bryce Weinert and directed by Emily Edwards. Voiced by Jimmy Aquino, Rebecca Comtois, Lex Friedman and Jon Hoche. It's a fun superhero romp with a twist. You'll laugh, cry and wet yourself! Special thanks to composer George Shaw for letting us use his awesome music! Leave your iTunes comments! 5 stars and nothing but love!
Also, get a hold of us!
Thanks for listening!