Comic News Insider: Episode 559 is now available for free download! Click on the link or get it through iTunes! Sponsored by Dynamic Forces.
Reviews: Genius #1, Howtoons (Re)Ignition #1, Usagi Yojimbo Senso #1
Jimmy planned on having the podcast wife Erica on to co-host but due to a work commitment on his part, he had to go solo. Next week there shall be a co-host! He discusses the demise of The Podcast Arena at New York Comic Con this year and mourns/gives tribute to one of his idols Robin Williams. Jimmy sat in the roundtables for the hit BBC America show Orphan Black and chatted with stars and producers Tatiana Maslany, Jordan Gavaris, Maria Doyle Kennedy, Ari Millen, Dylan Bruce, Kristian Bruun, Graeme Manson, and John Fawcet. The roundtables were brief as they had to rush off to their panel but we got some good questions in. Apologies for the annoying/unprofessional reporter from HGTV whom manipulated the tables with her inane questions and often interrupted talent to chat with them. Besides that, and while brief, we still managed to get some exciting news about the upcoming season! Jimmy also chatted with amazing cartoonist Gene Luen Yang about his new graphic novel The Shadow Hero and some of his awesome past comic work. News includes: a new Batman comic called Gotham by Midnight coming from Ray Fawkes/Ben Templesmith, Disney theme parks will add more Star Wars and Kyle Maclachlan joins Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Leave your iTunes comments! 5 stars and nothing but love!
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