Comic News Insider: Episode 523 is now available for free download! Click on the link or get it through iTunes! Sponsored by Dynamic Forces.
Reviews: Apocalypse Al #1, Batman: Joker's Daughter #1, Ms. Marvel Vol 3 #1, Turok Dinosaur Hunter #1, The Walking Dead (midseason premiere), The Lego Movie
Jimmy is back in his hometown of Jacksonville, Florida and records from the awesome comic book shop Superhero Beach (whom also sponsors this podcast)! Joining him is Superhero Beach employee and awesome illustrator Ashley Lanni Hoye and Jimmy's old best pal Ted Carruba. They chat about recent casting news for the upcoming Gotham series and in the movie sequel to Avengers. A few wi-fi and tech issues doesn't stop this episode from being awesome though! I mean, after all...EVERYTHING IS AWESOME! News includes: Geoff Johns and John Romita Jr to take over Superman, Valiant Firsts are coming, SelfMadeHero and Sequential team up, Preacher heads to AMC for development, DMZ gets picked up by WBTV, Flappy Bird stops flapping, Batman video games inspire new Batman animated film, and ReedPop may have small NYC comics only show in June. As always, Listener Feedback, Top 3 and more. Leave your iTunes comments! 5 stars and nothing but love!
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