It's New York Comic Con time! My podcast COMIC NEWS INSIDER will be at Table AA3 in Artist Alley (Javits North). Come by and see us! I've cut down on the amount of signings we normally have due to some cancellations and the massive press opportunities with numerous TV shows attending like Archer, Bob's Burgers, Outlander, Sleepy Hollow, Black Sails, Justice League War, etc. We'll still have our annual fundraising raffle ($1 for 1 ticket, $5 for 6) with great prizes from the likes of DC Comics, Marvel, Image, First Second, Top Shelf, JM DeMatteis, BBC America, XBox, Warner Bros., SelfMadeHero and more. If I'm not there, one of my many booth helpers will be there to help or let you know what's happening. Here is the CNI schedule!
1-2pm: Emma Vieceli
2:30pm: Raffle
5pm: Raffle
12:30: Raffle
3-4pm: Kelly Sue DeConnick
4:30pm: Raffle
11a-12pm: Michelle Mozes
12-1pm: Becky Cloonan
2:30: Raffle
3-4pm: Veronica Taylor
4-5pm: Emma Vieceli
Hope to see you there AA3 IN ARTIST ALLEY!