Comic News Insider: Episode 470 is now available for free download! Click on the link or get it through iTunes! Sponsored by Dynamic Forces.
Reviews: Joe Hill's Terrifyingly Tragic Treasury Edition, Jupiter's Legacy #1
Jimmy is joined in studio by the talented and charming Erica Schultz (M3). Jimmy clarifies last week's shocking announcement of the end of the podcast. (It's not ending). Erica tells Jimmy all about her comic M3 and how she got the whole process started. She discusses her writing, art, self publishing, working for Neal Adams, her husband's amazing cookies (which she brought for Jimmy to sample), her foray into voice over work and much more! News includes: Dynamite Entertainment joins Darkhorse digital, Hellboy goes itty bitty, new Star Trek news sources arrive, Boston Comic Con gets a new date, Doctor Who Regeneration book is coming in June, Marvel announces new X-Men crossover and Rocky & Bullwinkle return at IDW comics. As always, listener feedback, Top 3 and more! Leave your iTunes comments! 5 stars and nothing but love!
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