Comic News Insider: Episode 463 is now available for free download! Click on the link or get it through iTunes! Sponsored by Dynamic Forces.
Reviews: Age Of Ultron #1, Archie #641: Archie Meets Glee Part 1, Lost Vegas #1
Jimmy is back in New York City and is joined in the CNI studios by Sheldon Best, one of the stars of GEEK!, a new Vampire Cowboys Theatre production. VCT is an old pal of CNI and has been on many of our podcasts in the past. Always a great time! Jimmy briefly chats about his jaunt to his hometown in Jacksonville and the new comic book shop he visited. Sheldon talks about their upcoming production and all of the geeky/nerdy goodness of it. News includes: lots of SXSW news from Marvel about Marvel #1, Project Gamma, Marvel Infinite and Earth's Mightiest Show hosted by Blair Buter, Batman Zero Year is coming, Astro City returns, Night of the Living Jughead comes when zombies invade Riverdale, SyFy picks up Ron Moore's new show called Helix and Laura Vandervoort will star as the last female werewolf in a new sci-fi show called Bitten. As always, listener feedback, Top 3 and more! Leave your iTunes comments! 5 stars and nothing but love!
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