Comic News Insider: Episode 452 is now available for free download! Click on the link or get it through iTunes! Sponsored by Dynamic Forces.
Reviews: Black Beetle Night Shift #0, JSA The Liberty Files The Whistling Skull #1, Rotten Apple One Shot, Uncanny X-Force #35, Doctor Who Christmas Special 2012
Jimmy went out to New Jersey for Christmas and the plan was to record with his sister and brother-in-law. Alas, due to sleep schedules, company, shopping, gift wrapping, didn't happen. But you get this express Xmas quickie from Jimmy solo! He had an amazing Xmas with the fam! You may hear a few special holiday related bits in the show as well. News includes: Gail Simone re-hired on Batgirl, Star Wars comics coming to Marvel in 2015, Shelly Bond is promoted to new Vertigo Executive Editor, BBC America picks up Nerdist, and Glen Mazzara bugs out on The Walking Dead. Here's wishing everyone who celebrates it the happiest of Christmases! As always, listener feedback, Top 3 and more! Leave your iTunes comments! 5 stars and nothing but love!
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