Comic News Insider: Episode 431 is now available for free download! Click on the link or get it through iTunes! Sponsored by Dynamic Forces.
Reviews: The Victories #1, Expendables 2
Jimmy flies solo for a quickie this week as guest co-host canceled at the last minute. And believe it or not, there is no more San Diego Comic Con coverage! Jimmy gets a late night visitor, gets some inside scoop on the X-Men: First Class sequel, remembers director/producer Tony Scott and thanks Producer Joe for all of the San Diego Comic Con episode producing. News includes: Colleen Doran is adapting a Neil Gaiman short story into a graphic novel for Dark Horse, the Robot Chicken DC Comics Special is coming, The Avengers sequel gets a release date, The Boys ends in November with a super-size issue, Warner Bros. and WWE Studios announce a Scooby-Doo/WWE animated feature, and Whilce Portacio returns to creator-owned comics with Non-Humans. As always, listener feedback, Top 3 and more! Leave your iTunes comments! 5 stars and nothing but love!
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