(Me and Kevin Smith)
You've seen/heard a lot about AMC's new reality show COMIC BOOK MEN that debuts this Sunday, February 12th at 10pm EST. Especially a lot from me. Naturally, with my podcast COMIC NEWS INSIDER, I'm very interested. And as a huge Kevin Smith fan, I'm extremely interested. As I previously mentioned in an episode or 12, I've always wanted to interview Kevin. He's been my white whale. Figuratively, of course. Have had some possible close calls over the years at various comic conventions but it never happened.
So on Tuesday, when I attended the press luncheon for Comic Book Men at Caroline's comedy club here in NYC, I was excited. Not only would I possibly get to finally meet him, but I may get a one on one opportunity. I have visited his comic book store (Jay and Silent Bob's Secret Stash) in Red Bank, NJ for years. I happened to be out there a few months back and stumbled upon them shooting for the show. I met store manager Walt Flanagan and the rest of the CBM cast (Bryan Johnson, Ming Chen, Mike Zapcic). We chatted about me coming out there and doing an interview with some of them. Alas, holidays happened and it got busy. Walt and I were in touch over the months and decided it would be best to try to do an interview at the luncheon. Which we were able to do. I sat with Walt for about 15 minutes to chat about the show, the store and his art. I also got to talk to Bryan Johnson as well, who is the clear break out comedy star of the show. Just so damn funny. Midway through my roughly 6 minute interview with Bryan, Kevin walks in and comes over. We meet as he praises Bryan and his other friends. Color me excited!

(Walt Flanagan and Bryan Johnson)
The press conference starts and we go to the main room. Kevin comes out with Exec. Producer Charlie Corwin and then give us a background of the show before Kevin brings the cast out. Kevin, being the natural speaker/storyteller (and a great one at that), holds court as mics are passed around to ask questions. Unfortunately, I couldn't stay for the whole thing but got the first 40 minutes of it. Some great stuff is covered. The origin of the show, the reality behind it, how they got into comics, the slightly controversial lack of women in the show* (see end of article for special editorial type thingy), how nerdy is it, special guests (hint: SNOOGANS) and so much more. Really interesting stuff.
Oh, just so you know, most of us had been sent a screener of the first episode and from what I gathered, it seems most enjoyed it as much as I did. It's really fun! The tagline is "Pawn Stars in a comic book store". (Spoiler alert for those who are awaiting to watch it on Sunday). Seriously, stop reading this paragraph and skip ahead. People come in to sell comics, toys, collectibles and more and then haggle with Walt and others for the worth. Framed around it all are scenes of Kevin and the cast podcasting about it all. Plus, there is even a mission of sorts. Walt sends out Bryan, Mike and Ming to a local flea market to get rid of overstock. Whomever makes the most money wins. It has some serious laugh out loud moments and Bryan comes out as the breakout comedy star. Sure, you have your mix of crazies as sellers but you need that as those will be the ones you talk about the next day. "Did you see that weird guy with the...". Stuff like that. While the episode we watched was supposedly not finished, it seemed pretty tightly edited. Overall, I found it very entertaining! The guys, unintentionally I bet, come across very charming.

After running out at the 40 minute mark, I returned about an hour or so later in hopes of garnering a one-on-one with Kevin himself. The lovely publicist Kayla had been trying to help me work it out all week. When I got back, she said Kevin was in the main room with about 3 other reporters doing a round table and that I should just jump in. So I did. Kevin chatted with us for about 20 minutes or so and I got a couple of questions in at the end.
As we were walking out, I asked Kevin how long he was in town for as I really wanted to get an interview. He then invited me out to Red Bank to watch them shoot some of the show. As previously mentioned, they frame the show with Kevin and the cast podcasting. They built this rad set out in Red Bank and were going to be shooting all day. Naturally, I agreed to come out the next day! Super excited to see the magic behind the show and to get that interview.
I arrived around 12pm in Red Bank after a quick and easy 1hr 20min train ride from NYC. After finding my way to the set, I watched them shoot for awhile. It was pretty cool just listening to them shoot the shit about comics, toys, sci-fi and some of the customers. On a quick break, Kevin came over to say hi and we chatted for a few. They had been there since early morning and were breaking for lunch pretty soon. Got to chat with Bryan for a few again as well. Back to shooting and then lunch break after a bit. We walked over to the View Askew offices and chatted for a bit. Kevin had to run off to a meeting of sorts so Ming took me out to lunch. We talked about our respective podcasts and the possibility of doing crossovers. Something I chatted with both Walt and Bryan about as well. Ming is the "whipping boy" of the show and I suggested he remind the others that he runs the various websites and could easily draw cocks on their faces or write nasty things about them. He laughed but said he's happy to play that role. I was just looking out for my fellow Asian brother!
After lunch, we returned to the offices to chill a bit. Meghan (Kevin's awesome assistant who helped set this all up) texted met that they were back in the studio shooting. I was confused as I thought I was going to be interviewing Kevin during lunch. Alas, schedules just didn't permit. I went back to watch a bit more but then had to get back to NYC as I had tickets to a play. They wanted me to stay out longer and hang and we'd do the interview later, but by then it had been over 4 hours (totally enjoyed all of it though!). Had I not had those tickets, I would have happily hung out! Sure, I was disappointed that I didn't get the one on one (boy, did I have some good questions) but totally understand. I'm a former actor and know how these shoots go. Long, exhausting days on someone else's schedule that you have no control over. I appreciate just getting the opportunity to hang and observe. Meghan assured me that we'd set something up with Kevin in the near future. Plus, I definitely plan on heading out to Red Bank again some time to podcast with the boys.
Many thanks to Kayla at Ferencomm and Meghan for helping to set everything up. Of course, mad props to Kevin. Just seems like a genuinely nice person who means the best at all times. I get he's not for everyone, but I think his heart is always in the right place. And great meeting the Men of the show as well. Looking forward to chatting/podcasting with them in the future.
Listen to my chats with Kevin, Walt and Bryan on Comic News Insider Episode 383. And listen to the first 40 minutes of the press conference on Comic News Insider Episode 384. And then go watch COMIC BOOK MEN this Sunday, February 12th at 10pm EST following The Walking Dead on AMC.
*I want to briefly address the "lack of women in the show" bit that was asked about. If you listen to episode 384 of the podcast, you can hear the question being asked and how Kevin answered it. Afterwards, I read an article in the New York Observer, I believe. I think it was from the same person who asked the question. And gotta say, the article was skewed towards the "Kevin was jerky about it and really didn't want women in the show" when that was NOT the case at all. Go listen and you'll hear how much he would have liked it and would love to in the future. I've been doing this podcast for 6 years and while not a journalist, I don't report skewed versions of press conferences/interviews. Shame on that article for misrepresenting Smith's views. You can say, "Oh, you're just a fanboy sticking up for him". Go listen and be the judge.