News Insider: Episode 338 is now available for free download! Click on the link or get it through iTunes! Sponsored by Dynamic Forces.
Reviews: Flashpoint: Emperor Aquaman #1, Fly #1, Mystery Men #1, Samurai's Blood #1
Even more Heroes Con love with interviews from Darwyn Cooke, Becky Cloonan and Scott Weinstein. Jimmy is joined by good friend Iz McAuliffe, a fine podcaster in her own right. It's a SUPERSIZED episode of GIGANTIC proportions (just over 2 hours) but really fun!They wax on about Doctor Who and stray off topic frequently. All comedy gold! News includes: DC releases all 52 titles for relaunch, Beasts of Burden heads to the big screen, Kevin Smith's new reality show, Mark Millar on his own, and Uncanny X-Men cancelled. Some great listener feedback from a loyal listener. As always, the Top 3 and more! Leave your iTunes comments! 5 stars and nothing but love!
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Tune in Thursday to hear the great solo interview Jimmy did with Kelly Sue DeConnick at Heroes Con!