Comic News Insider: Episode 334 is now available for free download! Click on the link or get it through iTunes! Sponsored by Dynamic Forces.
Reviews: Comeback Kings #1, Hack Slash Eva Monsters Ball #1, Tattered Man One Shot
Kevin Conn (Unemployed Skeletor/Lava-Roid) sits in the guest co-host chair! Jimmy was at BookExpo America last week and got a couple of interviews with Michael Molcher/Keith Richardson (2000Ad) and Jeremy Atkins (Dark Horse Comics).
Grace Helbig returns to give a non-spoilery review of X-Men: First Class. (Thank, Gracie!)
The boys talk about Green Lantern #60, the Old Spice Guy does Luke Cage and just what were those X's in the sky all about? Jimmy also got a press pack containing the first 3 episodes of the upcoming Torchwood: Miracle Day series and he gives a non-spoilery type chat about it. Guess what? It rocks! (Thanks, Starz!) News includes: DC to reboot entire comics line, Steve Rogers returns as Captain America, Chinese prisoners forced to play WOW, Orlando Bloom confirmed for The Hobbit film, and Fox releases an X-Men: First Class iPad app. And is Lego-Lass a new Legionairre?!! Leave your iTunes comments! 5 stars and nothing but love!
Also, get a hold of us!
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Jimmy will be attending Heroes Con in Charlotte, North Carolina. June 3-5. It's one of the best purely comic book based conventions around and always a favorite of ours here at Comic News Insider. Once again, CNI will have a table so please come by to say Hi! Jimmy will be doing interviews galore as per usual at the table. CNI and other podcasters like Comic Geek Speak will be located at the front entrance next to the info booth! Meanwhile, click on the link above to check out the impressive guest list that is at Heroes Con this year!
And...Jimmy is moderating 3 panels!
- Everything ARCHIE - All Ages Celebration continues as we bring together Paul Kaminski, Jon Gray, Ian Flynn and Jim Amash to discuss the creative process from the folks who bring us all things Riverdale as well as all things SONIC! FRIDAY, 2:30 p.m. Room 206.
- Taking on the Property: ICONOGRAPHY- Reshaping an ICON-- Bringing your own stamp, but still staying true: Tim Sale (Batman) Ed McGuiness (Superman) Darwyn Cooke (Spirit and New Frontier) Don Rosa (Uncle Scrooge). SATURDAY, 4:30 p.m. Room 207BCD.
- Web Comics: Group Efforts - Meet the Small Press groups who have developed their own multi-strip brand Curt Franklin, Chris Haley, Mike Maihack, Kevin Church, Benjamin Birdie and TJ Kirsch, talk about creativity in the Small Press World. SUNDAY, 11:30 a.m. Room 206.