Comic News Insider: Episode 324 is now available for free download! Click on the link or get it through iTunes! Sponsored by Dynamic Forces.
Reviews: Captain America and the Secret Avengers One-Shot, Dollhouse: Epitaphs One-Shot, Elephantmen: Man and Elephantman #1
Yet another new sound this week! Jimmy is joined by Jon Hoche (back by popular demand) in the maybe new CNI studio known as Jimmy's apartment. And Jon recorded the show on his computer and will edit via Garage Band. Woo hoo! Next week we'll record through a megaphone! CNI west coast correspondent Maria Bernal-Silva attended WonderCon in her hometown of San Francisco and has a recap and an interview with Ben McCool and Nate Cosby. The boys talk about the Green Lantern extended trailer, the Thundercats trailer, a big thank you rap to last week's co-hosts Grace and Michelle, Paul Pope and Frank Miller on the Spider-Man musical and the current Vampire Cowboys show The Inexplicable Redemption of Agent G. Lots of WonderCon news including: DC comics goes retro, Family Guy coming to comics, IDW reprints Thor and brings back TMNT, The Governator is back, Dark Horse brings the Whedon & the return of the real Captain America (Steve Rogers). Listener feedback and more! Leave your iTunes comments! 5 stars and nothing but love!
Also, get a hold of us!
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Thanks for listening!
*Of course, some technical difficulties. For some reason, the segment music is playing at a slower rate. We also recorded the entire show, programming ate it, and had to re-record! Whee!! Here's Jon and I going through several states of emotion.
About to record. Oh so happy!
After realizing first recording was gone and we had to re-record. Sob.
We got through the second recording without a hitch. Almost. Had to re-record the last 5 minutes since some random crackly noises were in there. GRRRR!!
After finally editing, dealing with the issues and uploading. Ah, not bad.