Comic News Insider: Episode 305 is now available for free download! Click on the link or get it through iTunes! Sponsored by Dynamic Forces.
Reviews: Batman Incorporated #1, Osborn #1, RPM #1, Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows
Cassidy Freeman (Tess Mercer on Smallville) joins us from Vancouver to chat Smallville, some movie projects, music, TV, film and more! Jimmy does the interview solo & gets in many a question from Twitter as well. We chatted so much that we split it up into 2 parts. Tune in next week for Part 2! The boys discuss The Venture Bros. finale & Cookie Monster SNL audition video. News includes: Buffy reboot sans Joss Whedon, Locke & Key TV series, more SDCC registration woes, Dynamite picks up Warehouse 13, New Dragon Ball and Spidey gets a job! Listener feedback and more! Leave your iTunes comments! 5 stars and nothing but love!
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