COMIC NEWS INSIDER (CNI), is recording our 300th episode LIVE on Tuesday, October 19th! Special guests, prizes, drinks and fun galore! I know it seems last minute. New York Comic Con kept us really busy & 300 sort of snuck up on us. But it's here! If you've been to our live recordings for 100 & 200, then you know what fun will be had! It's weird and uncomfortable in your pants fun, but fun nonetheless. Seriously, it's fun. We are having it at Latitude for the 3rd time and they are being gracious to us again by giving us the 3rd floor to ourselves. All we have to do is spend $500 total. So come and grab a bite & drink and keep drinking. We're funnier when you're drunk.
What: Live recording of COMIC NEWS INSIDER Episode 300
When: Tuesday, October 19th.
Time: 6pm-9pm (We'll start recording around 7pm).
Where: Latitude Bar & Grill (783 8th Ave b/w 47th & 48th). 3rd Floor.
Guests: Michael Emerson ("Ben Linus" on LOST), Kevin Maguire (artist on Justice League of America), Kate Beaton (Hark, A Vagrant webcomic), and Veronica Taylor (voice of "Ash" on Pokemon animated).
Hope to see you all there!
p.s. CNI (sponsored by Dynamic Forces) is your podcast for everything comic book, animation, sci-fi and pop culture! Since 2005, CNI has brought you weekly news, reviews and interviews with such talent as (here come the name drops!): Stan Lee, Matt Fraction, Ed Brubaker, John Cassaday, Paul Pope, Dave Gibbons, Arthur Suydam, Greg Pak, Garth Ennis, Jimmy Palmiotti, Brian K. Vaughan, Ben Templesmith, Chip Kidd, Jonathan Hickman, Jerry Robinson, Steve Rude, Ben McCool, Steve Niles, Rick Remender, Molly Crabapple, Paul Cornell, Tony Lee, Joss Whedon, Bryan Fuller, Michael Emerson, Carrie Preston, Ronald D. Moore, David Eick, Patton Oswalt, Kristen Chenoweth, Olivia Munn, Brea Grant, David Tennant, Felicia Day, Nathan Fillion, Rosario Dawson, Andrea Romano, Tom Kenny, Seth Green, casts of Smallville, V, Fringe, Human Target, Pushing Daisies, Battlestar Galactica, Dollhouse, Lost, Chuck, Supernatural, The Walking Dead, Venture Bros. and so many more!
p.p.s. Journalists, fellow podcasters, bloggers, etc. PLEASE spread the word on your sites, shows, etc. I'll be your best friend. Okay, maybe I'll just pretend to be your best friend. Thanks!
p.p.p.s. If you can't make it, call our hotline and leave us a message! Things like: "Congrats!" or "Great job!" or even "Hey Jimmy, where are my pants?"
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