Comic News Insider: Episode 290 is now available for free download! Click on the link or get it through iTunes! Sponsored by Dynamic Forces.
Jimmy recruited good friend Louise DuCray to sit in on the round tables for Futurama and chatted with series stars John DiMaggio (Bender), Maurice LaMarche (Calculon, Lyrr, Morbo, etc), Lauren Tom (Amy Wong, Amy's Mom, etc), Billy West (Fry, Zoidberg, Farnsworth, etc) and producers Matt Groening and David X. Cohen. Leave your iTunes comments! 5 stars and nothing but love!
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Tune in Monday for more round tables from SDCC! This one will cover Warner Brothers Toons with Young Justice producers, Diedrich Bader (Batman: Brave & the Bold) and Andrea Romano!
Note: Regular listeners will notice a difference in sound quality. Jimmy had the super duper taser looking digital recorder for his interviews but refused to give it up to Louise for this one because he's a big jerk. She still did an awesome job with her recorder! Many thanks to Louise again!!!