Comic News Insider: Episode 229 is now available for free download! Click on the link or get it through iTunes! Sponsored by Dynamic Forces.
Reviews: Casper and the Spectrals #1, World's Finest #1, Jennifer Love Hewitt's Music Box #1
It's a Battlestar Galactica spectacular as Jimmy chatted with Luciana Carro ("Kat"), Aaron Douglas ("Chief") and Michael Hogan ("Tigh") at the recent Big Apple Comic-Con. He also had a quick chat with Ben Templesmith over drinks last week in which Ben dropped an exclusive! News includes convention craziness about SDCC, Angouleme, and Heroes, Marvel on iPhones, Liefeld & McFarlane together again, Heroes kills off major character, Tennant's last Doctor Who episodes, a yankee-fied Being Human and more! Top 3 and plugs galore. Leave your iTunes comments! 5 stars and nothing but love!
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