Comic News Insider: Episode 222 is now available for free download! Click on the link or get it through iTunes! Sponsored by Dynamic Forces.
Reviews: Beasts of Burden #1, Vengeance of Moon Knight #1, X-Men Legacy Annual #1
In studio guest, Alison Rosen, joins us for another "Converting to Comicdom" segment. Did we convert her? You'll have to tune in to find out! It's another loooooooooooong episode so please forgive. 'Twas lotsa fun though! Alison is hilarious, smart and charming so I'm sure you will dig the extra CNI goodness that came out of it. Good friend Michael Emerson ("Ben Linus" on Lost) also joins us at the beginning of the show via phone to discuss his recent Emmy win! News includes Jack Kirby's kids suing for Marvel hero rights, Shin Chan creator's death, Archie Andrews gets an agent, Notorious MSG in a videogame, UK Jedi woes, a Roddenberry Apple computer for sale and more! Great listener feedback, Top 3 and plugs galore. Leave your iTunes comments! 5 stars and nothing but love!
Also, get a hold of us!
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Tune in this Friday, September 25th for a special One-Shot! episode with Smallville star Cassidy Freeman (Tess Mercer) and then watch the season 9 premiere that night!