Comic News Insider: Episode 197 is now available for free download! Click on the link or get it through iTunes! Sponsored by Dynamic Forces.
Reviews: Power Girl #1, Sword of My Mouth #1, New Mutants #1
Jimmy returns from Toronto and gives his recap of the Toronto Comic Arts Festival. He got a bunch of interviews that we'll be playing over the next 2 episodes. Kate Beaton (Hark! A Vagrant webcomic) and Mike Dawson (Freddie & Me) join Jimmy on the TCAF floor and he briefly chats with Amber MacArthur (Net@Night, commandN podcasts) as well. The boys also talk about the new Star Trek movie and how it made them Vulcan nerve pinch their junk. Repeatedly. News includes Jeff Katz and his new multi-media company, the Deadpool spin-off flick and a delayed Green Lantern movie. Top 3 and plugs
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