Comic News Insider: Episode 182-One Shot! Soul Samurai is now available for free download! Click on the link or get it through iTunes! Sponsored by Dynamic Forces.
The cast and creator of the Vampire Cowboys Theatre Company's new Off Broadway production, Soul Samurai, join us for a wine induced and fun filled evening. What's Soul Samurai about?
Cooler than Kill Bill, hotter than Shaft! Soul Samurai is the story of Dewdrop and her fight through the mean streets of a post-apocalyptic Brooklyn. After avenging her lover’s murder in the heart of Coney Island, Dewdrop now must make it back home to the Lower East Side before the shoguns of Kings County find her. In a play that mixes hip-hop culture, blaxploitation, and the martial arts, this production dials it back old school with this seventies-inspired samurai story. This is one slick slice with a sharp sword and a score to settle!
How's that for an enticing description? Jimmy saw the show and loved it. Joe plans on seeing it soon. Listen to the cast talk about acting, inspirations for the show, movies, TV, comics, music, fight choreography, accidents, and more. We also give them a nerdy musical quiz to test their geek fu. Do they pass? Tune in to find out!
Meanwhile, if you're in the NYC area, book your tickets for the show. It's getting rave reviews and selling out fast. They give a special promotional code to use for $20 tickets. You save $5! For more information, visit the Vampire Cowboys Theatre site.
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