Comic News Insider: Episode 134 is now available for free download! Click on the link or get it through iTunes! Sponsored by Dynamic Forces.
Reviews: A Dummy's Guide to Danger Lost At Sea #1, Power Pack Day One #1, Wolverine First Class #1
We chat about some big stuff! Jimmy engaged? Joe Q. is marvel boy? Tune in to find out! News includes the Siegels winning Superman, NYC=Gotham City, MyCup o' Joe, MySpace comics, Fun Home in Utah and more. And, it's a great honor to welcome back Mr. "Alan Moore". He first appeared on CNI 100 back in August 2007. He breaks the news on 2 exciting new projects with both DC and Marvel! And promises that he may make an appearance at a certain podcast's table at NYCC!
Speaking of New York Comic-Con...CNI will have signings, interviews, the charity raffle and PROJECT HAIRCUT!. Yep. Jimmy is cutting his hair live at the show! The hair will be donated to Locks of Love and we'll be collecting donations. You can send donations via PayPal. Enter Jimmy's email address: [email protected] and send millions! Half of the funds raised will go to Locks of Love and the other half will help cover costs here at CNI.
Oh, and next week's show is up in the air. We might record late. And...the contest we announced last week. Oops, forgot to mention it in the show this week. But, that's mostly because we realized how late it was and that most people probably already have their tickets. So, basically, unless we get a slew of entries in the next week, we'll just have to plan early for next year!
As always, we end with a great Top 3. And remind you to go leave your iTunes comments! 5 stars and nothing but love! Also, get a hold of us!
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